Documentation / Getting started
- Download the latest build of Orion from
- Extract the framework's archive to your project directory.
- You should now have a directory structure much like this one :
.htaccess index.php orion/ orion.php configs/ libs/ models/ modules/ plugins/ renderers/ templates/ uploads/
- Sets writing permissions to the following directories :
orion/uploads/ // If you plan on using the SMARTY template engine : orion/renderers/smarty/cache/ orion/renderers/smarty/templates_c/
Setting up Orion's path
First, if you happen to have placed Orion's base directory outside of the root directory, you need to modify the initialization script located in the main index.php file.
$orion = new Orion('path/to/orion/');
Then, if your application is located in a sub-directory, you may need to define your application path inside the .htaccess file.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /path/to/index.php [QSA,L]
Defining your application settings
Those settings are located in the configuration files inside the config/ directory.
By default : orion/config/main.php
Be sure to correctly set up the BASE_URL and BASE_DIR keys.
For an extensive guide to configuring Orion, please refer to the corresponding section.
Next and final step, push your project directory onto your (test) server, and start coding.